Drawer Magnets

Yet another machine that employs concepts from other recycling machines. It is a vertically fed gravity machine or a pneumatically driven horizontal machine, just like a bullet or torpedo magnet. The waste stream doesn't go down in freefall, but rather bounces on magnets due to gravity and the place of these magnets. This resembles the hump magnet, which is also constructed in such a way that it touches at least 1 super-magnet while it drops down. Another similarity to a different recycling machine is the grate magnet, as the drawers are shaped like a grate magnet.

Should you need more information regarding this machine, feel free to browse our page regarding drawer magnets:

What is a magnet drawer?

Recycling, Upcycling and Downcycling: what's the difference?

Recycling, Downcycling and upcycling. You've heard these terms but like most people, you have no idea what the difference between these words is. Downstream recycling is basically industrial processing to make garbage into an end product again. Upstream recycling tries to get as little garbage as possible to a landfill or even a recycling factory. Manufacturers do upcycling when they decrease the amount of packages that comes with a product. You can upcycle yourself when you sell your clothes to a second hand shop or give it away to charity.

If you want to read more about these terms, feel free to look our page:

Downcycling and Upcycling